We made it to Maseru, Lesotho!!

 I only posted pictures yesterday.  Still was battling fatigue and busy safari days with minimal time to sit down and collect my thoughts.  Yesterday our first safari was at 5 am.  We saw more rhinos and a few elephants.  My favourite was the shot of the elephant against the backlight of the sunset at the end of our 2nd safari.  Loved the giraffes too.  We had our 3rd safari today and got up closer to them.  The elephant today also gave himself a dirt shower which was very interesting. I’ll see if I can get some of the videos I did on my iPhone onto YouTube so I can post them here.  Food was fantastic at Ndaka.  We’ll have to cut down a bit from now on to balance it all out.  

It was another long bus ride today.  We left Ndaka around 10 am and arrived here at Beautiful Gate around 4 pm.  I had my own room at Ndaka, now we are all 3 girls sharing a room.  It’s a bit tight, but not undoable.  Internet access here will be a bit easier to manage, so I should be able to do more sitting and posting.  We’ll meet most of the kids tomorrow likely, and get a look around.  I only took a few shots from the bus today on the ride down, so I’ll see what I can add to the post.  

Anyways I’m safely here at the orphanage and ready to serve the LORD in any way he sees fit.  I think of Mom lots.  All the things I planned to tell her about what I was seeing.


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